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Setting Exclusion Rules

Need to remove or exclude some pull requests? Here's how

Sagar Shewarmani avatar
Written by Sagar Shewarmani
Updated over 2 years ago

Want to exclude some pesky prs?

Many teams want to exclude a few key pull requests so they don't skew their data. In this article, we'll show you how to do that.

Excluded pull requests are removed from all calculations including dashboard and notifications.

What can I exclude?

There are a few ways to exclude pull requests. We'll walk through a an examples on how to exclude based on Pull Request Label (e.g. labels contain 'WIP')

How to create a global exclusion rule in Haystack

​Step 1: Go to Settings

Click on the 'Settings' tab in the left sidebar to open up Haystack settings.

Click on 'Exclusion Rules' in the left sidebar to view your current filters.

Step 3: Select the Repositories exclusions should apply to

Select which repositories you would like to apply the exclusion rules by typing into the input box.

Step 4: Select Exclusion Type

Select what rule you would like to use to exclude pull requests from the "Filter pull request by" dropdown.

Step 5: Depending on the selected filter, add a value for your rule

For example, in this example, we have chosen "Pull Request Label" as the filter rule.

If you do not see a particular label, simply type the label by name and hit enter. Haystack will exclude pull requests with that label string (case senstivie).

Step 6 Click "SAVE"

Click "SAVE" on the top-right corner to save your changes.

Step 7: You're Done!

Now that you've updated your global filters, Haystack will remove any pull request matching your filter settings.

You can now go back to your dashboard and see the changes!

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