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Sharing Haystack data with others

Aika Apolinario avatar
Written by Aika Apolinario
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we'll go over different ways of sharing Haystack data.

Haystack allows you to share in 3 ways

  1. Download graph images

  2. Download page images

  3. Using Query Builder

  4. Export CSV for DORA Metrics

Download images of any page

Every page with graph in it has "Export" button on the top right corner of the page.

Clicking this button will generate an image like below that you can use in your reports.

Download images of any graphs

Every graph in Haystack has 3 dots next it. You can find Download As Image (.png) button in the dropdown.

Clicking this button will generate an image like below that you can use in your reports.

Export Any Data Using Query Builder

Query Builder is an extremely powerful tool where you can create any table that can be generated.

To run a query, first select the Measure you'd like to add as a column. Secondly, select the columns (group by) items by selecting it as Dimensions. Lastly, run the query and select table as the visualization option. In the end, you should see a table like below. Copy the table and paste it to Google Sheets to use it for custom reports.

Export CSV for DORA Metrics

You can also head to "Export" under Settings to download a CSV for any of the DORA metrics we offer

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