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Why does Haystack not have access to my repositories?
Why does Haystack not have access to my repositories?
Kan Yilmaz avatar
Written by Kan Yilmaz
Updated over a week ago

If you notice a warning next to some repositories in our integration page telling you that we do not have access, the following things could have happened:

  1. Someone in your organization manually unauthorized some repositories after giving us access to them

  2. Someone in your organization transferred the repo to some other organization we don’t have access to

For (1), if this is Github, we recommend updating the permissions from the Github end. If its Gitlab, you could generate a new token and update it on Haystack

For (2), please contact our support to remove the repository that is no longer part of the respective organization. You may then integrate the new organization to get access to this repository again on Haystack

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