Below is the list of all risks provided by Haystack
Long change lead time
Shows pull requests have change lead time more than N days.
Long waiting for the review
Shows open pull requests in review process (review time) for more than N days.
Waiting for the merge
Shows pull requests that are approved N times and waiting for merge (idle completion time).
Concurrent work
A developer who has more than N pull request are counted as concurrent work.
Large pull request
Pull requests have more than N line changes.
Too many discussions
Pull requests have more than N comment cycles.
Comment cycle is defined as at least one comment made by a commenter and at least one comment made as a response to the same pull request counted as one comment cycle.
High review load
Members who have more than N review requests.
Merge without review
Pull requests which are merged without any comments, approvals or request for changes.
Idle pull request
Pull requests which have not had any commits or comments for the past 3 weeks
Pull requests without JIRA tag
Pull requests which are not linked to JIRA.
Haystack uses smart values to link a pull request to an issue like "PRJ-123 My pull request title"
Further readings:
Too many cooks
Pull requests that have more than N unique commiters in one pull request.
Weekend activity
Members with abnormal amount of activity (commit, comment, push, etc.). over the weekend.
Commits without pull request
Commits that are pushed directly to the default branch without any pull request.